Coronavirus Press Release

Because of the risks associated with the Coronavirus, daily and weekend Masses at Sacred Heart are cancelled until further notice from the Bishop Louis Kihneman III.  Churches will remain open for limited hours for those that need to pray or need spiritual guidance.  All Catholics within the Diocese are dispensed from the obligation of attending Mass.

Online giving is being setup now.  If you have an established online giving account you will soon be able to select online giving for Sacred Heart Dedeaux.  Please consider this method of giving which allows revenue to continue to the parish during a time when many parishioners are not able to attend Mass in person.  Once the logistics have been completed, details will be updated and follow.

The Diocese of Biloxi will livestream daily Mass at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral Monday through Saturday at 8 a.m. and on Sunday at 11 a.m. To view these Masses, visit the Diocese of Biloxi’s YouTube Page. You can also view Mass from St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans Monday-Friday
at 12:05 visiting